Monday, April 2, 2007

The Project Jet Pack Harness System

The redesign and calibration of the Bell Aerosystems engine continues apace. Dr. Shrum announced this week that the Project Jet Pack team will be split in two, with Dr. Shrum leading efforts on jet engine design and testing, and with myself designing and fabricating the jet pack support systems.

The harness prototype (pictured right) was initially constructed of triple-layered Kevlar around steel-titanium alloy belting. The preliminary prototype trial demonstrated that this harness design was insufficient to meet Dr. Shrum's specifications, which call for a mass support rating in excess of 230 kilograms. After the test subject, Kevin, was removed from the failed harness, the straps were reinforced with a second layer of belting and stitched together using a synthetic fiber weave. Additional harness testing is scheduled to occur in four to six weeks, upon Kevin's full recovery.

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